October 4, 2009. This past week I concluded the annual trip to Colorado with Al & Jerry. This year we were joined by our friend and colleague, Jason Mielke. Jason proved himself a skilled fly fisher and a good friend.
We started our trip with a visit to the Colorado River between Shadow Mountain Lake and Lake Granby. This stretch has always been productive and this year was no different. We all managed to catch and land quite a few fish with Jason hauling in a submarine around 16 inches long. I hooked a biggie, but didn't land it, though Jason and I did get a chance to see it and figured it to be around 15 inches long. Al landed a biggie, too, and even tried to kill it by slipping on a rock and landing in the water, net and all!
On Monday, we ventured near Rabbit Ears Pass to Muddy Lake. While it started out slow, the fishing picked up quickly and we all netted quite a few before heading to lunch down in Kremmling. After lunch we traveled on to Muddy Creek--a beautiful river that has a lot of character. There, we all managed a productive afternoon of fishing. We even took a few for our Tuesday dinner. We ended the day with another trip back to Muddy Lake and a few more fish.
Tuesday was an exciting day! We took the trail to Corona Lake. At 12,ooo feet, there are 3 alpine lakes within proximity of each other. Huffing and puffing, we made our way to an unnamed lake adjacent to Corona Lake and had a wonderful time fishing Brookies. I even landed my first fish on a dry fly. We hiked over to Corona Lake, but had no success. By the time the day was over we were all out of breath, but excited about our adventure.