"And those gold leaves on the water, a kaleidoscope did make. You wondered if it was a dream or if you really were awake." (Bill May, A Cowboy on the Last Frontier)
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008. SWEEEEET! That's all I can say about today's fishing on the Fraser. Started out early and landed a 14" Rainbow on a San Juan worm. During the next couple hours landed a few more, including a couple Brookies--all on the worm. Changed to a Red Copper John and landed this hog. He measures around 16" and weighed around 5 pounds!
Monday, July 28, 2008

July 27, 2008. Back in Colorado! Today, I had the chance to fish with my youngest daughter. We fished the small pond outside of our house with no success other than a few strikes. We traveled to one of my favorite spots on the St. Louis Creek where we managed to catch and land a few Brookies--oh, how I love those Brookies!
The picture to the left is of the Rainbow I caught on the Fraser River. I was not feeling much of the love since I had tried several patterns with no luck. I changed to a San Juan Worm and everybody then went nuts! I landed this guy, but lost a few of his relatives--they were all huge! This guy measured about 14" and weighed about 4 - 5 pounds. The picture is a bit distorted because I took it with my iPhone. Hopefully, this will be the first of many on this trip!