Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31, 2008. Yesterday, July 30, we traveled to Breckenridge and Leadville, Colorado. Leadville is home to the National Fish Hatchery. We enjoyed an interesting visit and learned that they now only raise Greenback Cutthroats from egg stage. It was an informative trip and we got to see thousands of Rainbow and Cutthroats in the 'Raceways.' Unfortunately, the hatchery is extremely limited in what it can do because of a lack of resources. If you're in the Leadville area, I strongly recommend a trip to the hatchery.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008. SWEEEEET! That's all I can say about today's fishing on the Fraser. Started out early and landed a 14" Rainbow on a San Juan worm. During the next couple hours landed a few more, including a couple Brookies--all on the worm. Changed to a Red Copper John and landed this hog. He measures around 16" and weighed around 5 pounds!

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28, 2008. Here's one of the small trout we caught yesterday on the St. Louis Creek!

July 27, 2008. Back in Colorado! Today, I had the chance to fish with my youngest daughter. We fished the small pond outside of our house with no success other than a few strikes. We traveled to one of my favorite spots on the St. Louis Creek where we managed to catch and land a few Brookies--oh, how I love those Brookies!

The picture to the left is of the Rainbow I caught on the Fraser River. I was not feeling much of the love since I had tried several patterns with no luck. I changed to a San Juan Worm and everybody then went nuts! I landed this guy, but lost a few of his relatives--they were all huge! This guy measured about 14" and weighed about 4 - 5 pounds. The picture is a bit distorted because I took it with my iPhone. Hopefully, this will be the first of many on this trip!