September 25, 2007. This is the first entry since our annual trip here to Colorado. This year we have a small crew--Jerry, Al and me. Unlike previous years, we have planned a whole week and will even venture beyond the familar surroundings of the Fraser Valley.
We arrived on Saturday afternoon, the 22nd. Jerry and I headed up to the St. Louis Creek and played with the Brookies.
On Sunday, the 23rd, we travelled to the Williams Fork River. This was the first time on the Williams for all of us. Jerry struck gold first with a 10 inch Brown. He caught another one and then let me have a shot at the hole. I brought in a 10 inch brown as well before I headed up river to a riffle where I caught another small Brown before hitting pay dirt. I landed a 15 inch Brown that weighed a couple pounds--it had quite a girth to it--more like a Rainbow. After that I caught a small 6 inch brown before the weather hit. The weather turned windy and began raining. We tried fishing some more, but the weather forced us to flee to the car so we headed further up the river. However, we were unsuccessful and returned to Fraser as the weather worsened. Not a bad first day.
On Monday, the 24th we woke to cloudy skies and a rain and snow mix. We took the scenic route to Silverthorne to make a visit to Cutthroat Anglers ( We grabbed lunch and headed up stream to the public campground where we put in. The weather appeared to be holding, but no luck with the fishing. Jerry managed to land a small Brown, but Al and I got skunked. We headed further up to the area just below Green Mountain Reservoir and put in there. Although the fish were rising (somewhat), nothing! We headed back to Fraser disappointed as the weather worsened (again!).
We awoke on Tuesday, the 25th, with a bit of excitement. mother nature had treated us to a light dusting of snow and the mountains were splendid! We drove two hours to the North Platte River just south of the Wyoming border. We were excited to find there was only one other vehicle in the public area. However, our excitement quickly turned into dejection as we were once again skunked--all three of us--not even a single bite. They were in there as I spooked a couple big Browns from there hiding places. Despite the rigging, nothing worked. We returned to Fraser and tried a small creek alongside Rt. 125. Again, no luck! We can only surmise that the rapid change in weather impacted the fishing as we learned that other fishermen were experiencing the same results. Hopefully, our luck will change tomorrow as we head back to familiar waters on the Colorado.